
GP After School Basics Training

We are excited to offer a free four-day training opportunity for Practitioners working directly with young people in After School Programmes. Over the 4 days, you will meet and network with other Practitioners and develop your knowledge & skills to troubleshoot key challenges. You will be introduced to emotional intelligence tools, child development theory, and … Read more

TLT Annual Report

Our Annual Report 2021

Our 2021 annual report serves a dual purpose. On the one hand, we share the key ways in which we leveraged partnerships, resources, and initiatives to support the sector in the past year. On the other hand, we’ve segmented the report to illustrate the outcomes of our three-year strategy across the three pillars of our work. We invite you to explore the manifestation of all this work.

GP Community of Practice: Mental well- being

Working in an After School Programme (ASP) requires us to support learners in various ways, including psychosocially. It is important that we look after our own well-being to be able to do this. We cannot be there for our learners when we are running on empty. The Learning Trust invites all practitioners and leaders of … Read more

The Data Collective

You are invited to the first Data Collective of 2022. This session will provide a brief feedback on the trends we are seeing from 2018, 2019, 2021 attendance data. We will share Data Collection Guidelines for your input as we co-create knowledge for the After School sector. You will engage in discussion about Monitoring, Evaluation, … Read more

We are HIRING a WC Programme Officer

The ideal candidate is an experienced strategic leader with a background in the education/community development and non-profit sector who will lead and implement TLT’s strategic and operational plans in the Western Cape, whilst leading a multidisciplinary team and building relationships with key stakeholders and strategic partners in the region.

Impacting Lives beyond South Africa: the conversation with Sixolile Mabombo continues

Sixolile Mabombo, TLT’s new Board Chairperson dove into a 2-hour long chat with us. In Part 2 of our conversation, we dig a little deeper. We uncover her thoughts on, the best fundraising models for the After School sector; the biggest lessons she’s learned whilst working in the sector; plus, her vision and bold plans for The Learning Trust.

Directors’ Circle

All Directors in the After School sector are invited to attend the Directors’ Circle. A co-constructed space to connect, teach and learn with your leadership peers in an engaging and safe environment.   Previous Circle’s have covered personal, organisational, and sectoral topics such as motivation, organisational culture, leadership transformation, funding, and more. The space is … Read more