
Announcing Charlene Petersen Voss as the New Executive Director of The Learning Trust

We are delighted to introduce Charlene Petersen Voss as the new Executive Director of The Learning Trust (TLT), effective from 1 September 2024. Charlene brings an impressive track record in leading TLT’s special projects and a proven commitment to our mission, making her the ideal choice to guide our organisation into the future. Since joining … Read more

Transforming Lives Through SEF 

“ASPs can better prepare young people for the job market by offering relevant hands-on experience that equip them with the skills and knowledge necessary for success in their chosen careers.” – Zanele Tshem, Ikamva Youth SEF participant. The Learning Trust proudly presents a special blog series dedicated to celebrating the remarkable journeys of young individuals … Read more

Leveraging Public Employment and After School Programmes to Deliver Multiple Outcomes

In today’s educational landscape, where challenges in learning and youth unemployment intersect After School Programmes (ASPs) emerge as crucial resources for nurturing young minds and addressing societal needs. However, their potential for impact multiplies when coupled with Public Employment Programmes (PEPs), presenting a unique opportunity to leverage government investments for multifaceted outcomes.   Over the past … Read more

Annual Lights On After School Movement calls to end a failing education system

As South African schools enter the final exam phase for the year, all eyes are on the education sector, and the academic performance of students. While the official matric pass rate for 2022 was recorded as 80.1%, many educational experts highlighted the high student drop-out rate, which  realistically puts the pass rate at under 55%.   … Read more

Beyond the Classroom Quarterly Newsletter

The Learning Trust is coordinating a national, ecosystemic and multi-stakeholder effort to tackle the devastating learning losses that have resulted from the Covid-19 pandemic.

2022 Annual Report

The Learning Trust’s 2022 annual report reflects on our journey in the first year of our three-year strategy. We’re proud to share our lessons, opportunities and accomplishments in pursuit of our ultimate goal: to increase the number of young people in underserved communities with the requisite competencies to succeed beyond their school age. We believe … Read more

Building thriving and sustainable communities one organization at a time

Written by Malibongwe Nkunkuma, TLT Programmme Officer Supporting emerging organizations is one of the most fundamental aspects in our quest to build thriving and sustainable communities. As the backbone of any nation, communities comprise of social units which share commonality such as place, norms, values, and identity, but more crucially they are sites of individual … Read more

Beyond the Classroom Quarterly Newsletter

The Learning Trust is coordinating a national, ecosystemic and multi-stakeholder effort to tackle the devastating learning losses that have resulted from the Covid-19 pandemic.