after school

Leveraging Public Employment and After School Programmes to Deliver Multiple Outcomes

In today’s educational landscape, where challenges in learning and youth unemployment intersect After School Programmes (ASPs) emerge as crucial resources for nurturing young minds and addressing societal needs. However, their potential for impact multiplies when coupled with Public Employment Programmes (PEPs), presenting a unique opportunity to leverage government investments for multifaceted outcomes.   Over the past … Read more

Unveiling the Management Accelerator Programme for After School Managers 

Over the years, The Learning Trust has been diligently building a network of After School Programmes (ASPs) and dedicated individuals nationwide. We aim to unite and empower emerging leaders from diverse ASPs, igniting their journey toward excellence.  This year, we introduced the Management Accelerator programme for After School Managers, a groundbreaking initiative designed to foster … Read more

Annual Lights On After School Movement calls to end a failing education system

As South African schools enter the final exam phase for the year, all eyes are on the education sector, and the academic performance of students. While the official matric pass rate for 2022 was recorded as 80.1%, many educational experts highlighted the high student drop-out rate, which  realistically puts the pass rate at under 55%.   … Read more

2022 Annual Report

The Learning Trust’s 2022 annual report reflects on our journey in the first year of our three-year strategy. We’re proud to share our lessons, opportunities and accomplishments in pursuit of our ultimate goal: to increase the number of young people in underserved communities with the requisite competencies to succeed beyond their school age. We believe … Read more

Building thriving and sustainable communities one organization at a time

Written by Malibongwe Nkunkuma, TLT Programmme Officer Supporting emerging organizations is one of the most fundamental aspects in our quest to build thriving and sustainable communities. As the backbone of any nation, communities comprise of social units which share commonality such as place, norms, values, and identity, but more crucially they are sites of individual … Read more

Mental health community walk

Lights On Afterschool & Mental Health

Lights On After School is a global initiative that aims to help raise awareness of the importance of after school programs and their impact on children’s lives.

lights on kids

After school programmes boosting youth’s mental health

Good Hope FM Interview The rise in reports of mental illness amongst young people is alarming. Over the last few years young people have been and are still dealing with grief, loss of family income, educational setbacks, and doubt regarding their future plans. They are experiencing, quite understandably increased anxiety, hopelessness and depression. ASPs play … Read more

TLT Grantee Learning Circle

This event will bring together all our funded partners across the country to harness wisdom, practice, and experience. Convening all grantees at the mid-point of their grant will allow us to forge inter-provincial connections, acknowledge good practice, identify critical knowledge gaps, celebrate accomplishments, and identify common trends to inform CoPs, research, and professional development. This … Read more