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Announcing Charlene Petersen Voss as the New Executive Director of The Learning Trust

We are delighted to introduce Charlene Petersen Voss as the new Executive Director of The Learning Trust (TLT), effective from 1 September 2024. Charlene brings an impressive track record in leading TLT’s special projects and a proven commitment to our mission, making her the ideal choice to guide our organisation into the future. Since joining … Read more

Just Grace NPC’s Impact Through the Social Employment Fund

Youth Month is a significant time in South Africa, dedicated to recognising and celebrating the potential, achievements, and contributions of the youth. In this blog, we highlight Just Grace NPC’s participation in the Social Employment Fund (SEF) project and its success in empowering young people in under-resourced communities. With a focus on academic support, skills … Read more

Leveraging Public Employment and After School Programmes to Deliver Multiple Outcomes

In today’s educational landscape, where challenges in learning and youth unemployment intersect After School Programmes (ASPs) emerge as crucial resources for nurturing young minds and addressing societal needs. However, their potential for impact multiplies when coupled with Public Employment Programmes (PEPs), presenting a unique opportunity to leverage government investments for multifaceted outcomes.   Over the past … Read more