Beyond the classroom

The Learning Trust supports the After School sector in South Africa by developing quality practitioners and building sustainable organisations. We offer focused coaching and skills-sharing in a variety of organisational development areas, and provide platforms for networking and collaborations that, in turn, serve children and youth in under-resourced communities.

The Catch-up Coalition receives public funding to employ over 3000 people

TLT has coordinated a Catch-up Coalition of 24 non-profit ASP providers to provide a range of educational support services for learners in need.

The Coalition’s Implementing Partners (IPs) offer diverse programmes, including literacy and numeracy support, subject-specific remediation, arts and culture programmes, sports and recreation activities, and life-skills/ psychosocial support programmes to engage and support learners in the school system. As recipients of the Social Employment Fund (SEF), TLT aims to use the Coalition to lead advocacy to government departments around mainstreaming After School for education recovery, and further maximise employment stimulus packages to capacitate and sustain the sector.

IPs will appoint, train and supervise volunteer tutors, facilitators and coaches to deliver their programme models for up to 16hrs a week at minimum wage over 9 months. Ultimately, the intention is to prepare unemployed people for transitioning into other more sustainable work and entrepreneurial opportunities upon exit.

Coalition- OLICO Programme

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Raising the Game

The Learning Trust is developing South Africa’s extended learning sector through the provision of funding and guided organisational support to After School programmes that work to improve educational outcomes of young people living in poverty and exclusion.